Preface of this book-
Dear Friends !
Mirror is a subject of Mind Power. It’s a subject of having happiness with respect to Health Wealth and Relationships in life. Life is full of good & bad happenings. 5% is the Action & 95% is all Reactions in our Life Behavior. Hope is the Dream of every man. We all have dreams of being successful, dreams of doing our best for people we care & love, dreams about achieving our Goals. And this is possible only when there is hope for positive result.
In my experience we crave for stories from childhood, New stories which give kick & refresh our mind body & soul. All around in day to day life we perform certain role in our story. Its related to our life or it could even be related to others life. Everyone behaves in his own way – his own masti-ful life.
This book caters to all age groups children’s, youth, adults & every sections of the society.
Mirror Book will help every reader to energize. It is a powerful energizer that cleanses deep rooted physical, mental & emotional stresses and toxins, thereby helping to coordinate the mind body with the rhythms of nature. This will bring sweet relationships, greater joy and enthusiasm for life. I sincerely advise each one of you to Practice those exercises & understand it with repetition.
It will be a energy drink for everyday life. You should practice one chapter a day. Also practice each Strategy daily to improve your life. Each chapter will be a soft skill for individual to learn and re-learn.
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Parag Nesarikar
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